Lash extension aftercare

To maintain the overall health of your lash extensions, there are specific aftercare steps that must be taken on a daily basis. Before learning what those steps are, it’s important to understand the process of applying lash extensions as well as common things that could negatively impact the health and life of your lash extensions.

There are three common things that can negatively impact the life of your lash extensions. These three things are oil, friction and heat. Examples of each are listed below:



Moisturizers containing glycerin



Mascara (non-lash extension friendly)

Eyeliner (pencil, gel or liquid)

Shimmery eye shadow

Cold cream or similar makeup removers

Hair conditioner


Rubbing the eyes

Picking at lash extensions

Side sleeping with lashes on the pillow

Sleeping on your face

Rinsing with shower head rather than hands


Steam room



Hot yoga

Hot & steamy showers


This is a short list of common items that impact lash extensions and can cause them to shed prematurely. However, there are less common things that impact lash extensions including certain medications, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy and undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy. If you have questions or concerns, I’m happy to discuss with you to ensure lash extensions are right for you.

Just like the hair on our heads, our eyelashes are in a cycle of constantly growing and shedding. With eyelashes, you usually don’t notice a lash has fallen out or shed unless it gets into your eye or you see one on your cheek. With lash extensions however, this cycle becomes more noticeable because a darker, thicker and sometimes a more curly lash extension is attached, making it easier to see.

This may lead you to think that your lashes are shedding at a faster pace with lash extensions than without but that simply isn’t true. Lash extensions should shed at the same rate your natural lashes shed. This means that when you see a lash extension has fallen out, you should always see your natural eyelash attached to the end. This is an indication that your lashes are growing and shedding as they should.

If however, you notice your lash extensions are shedding without your natural eyelash attached, that means something is causing them to shed prematurely. The lists above are common reasons for premature lash loss however not everything is covered within these lists. You’ll want to evaluate your day to day behavior and activities to isolate the cause for premature lash loss and make modifications.

Remember, I will do everything I can during your appointment to set you up for success and to ensure your lashes have a chance to last as long as possible per the outlined guarantee however, the most important thing you can do to maintain the health of your lash extensions after applied, is to follow the aftercare instructions as listed below.

Aftercare Instructions


When lash extensions are applied, a medical-grade, fast-drying lash adhesive is used to create a strong attachment between the natural eyelash and the extension. Although the adhesive is strong and durable, oil causes the adhesive to break down and become less effective. This is why your lashes are always cleaned prior to application - to ensure oil is removed and there’s a strong attachment to your natural lashes.

It is impossible to avoid oil entirely as our bodies produce oil naturally to keep our skin, hair and eyelashes healthy. As an example, each natural eyelash is attached to a follicle that produces sebum to keep our natural lashes healthy. Sebum is a natural oil produced by the skin.

There are also glands located on the upper and lower waterline of the eyes that produces moisture to prevent our eyes from drying out. The moisture produced by these glands contain a natural oil.

This is why it’s important to wash your eyelids and eyelashes twice a day using an oil-free cleanser to prevent a build up of sebum (oil) and moisture along the lash line which breaking down the adhesive used to attach lash extensions and causes them to detach from your natural eyelashes prematurely.

The recommended schedule for cleaning your eyelids and eyelashes is once in the morning and once in the evening before bed daily. However, if you have oily skin or sweat often such as after a workout, you’ll need to wash more frequently such as after you sweat or work out.

Cloud Bath Foaming Cleanser is an oil-free cleanser that’s lash extension friendly and was developed by an ophthalmologist. A complimentary bottle is provided when you book a full set of lash extensions. If you run out however and need more, you can purchase Cloud Bath Foaming Cleanser here.


Needlessly touching your lashes throughout the day, pulling or picking your lashes and rubbing your eyes can cause the lash extensions to detach from your natural eyelashes. If your lashes require straightening, simply use a clean mascara wand to brush your lashes into place.

Our eyelashes protect our eyes from dust, pollen and debris by catching it in the lashes so it doesn’t fall into the eyes and cause irritation. However, there are times of the year where there’s more dust and pollen in the air than usual. If you suffer from seasonal or year-round allergies, feel irritation in your eyes and are tempted to rub them for relief, instead clean your eyes using Chrissanthie Foaming Cleanser to remove the dust and pollen from your lashes.


Most women wear lash extensions to save time getting ready each day by eliminating the need for mascara. Lash extensions provide the appearance of fuller, darker and in some cases, more curly eyelashes while mascara leaves clumps, an underwhelming look and when wet, dark circles around the eyes.

That’s why it is recommended NOT to wear mascara on top of lash extensions nor apply it to the lower eyelashes. The reason for this is because mascara contains oil and is nearly impossible to fully remove from the lash line. This leads to the break down of the adhesive used to apply your lash extensions and premature lash loss.

While it seems it would be ok to wear mascara on the lower eyelashes, it’s actually not because each time you blink, the mascara comes in contact with the upper lashes in the exact area where the lash extensions are bonded to the natural eyelashes. So it has a similar effect to wearing mascara directly on the lash extensions - premature lash loss.

I understand you want a finished look from day to day to compliment your lash extensions. Because of this, Dela Antoinette’s offers bottom lash application to make your lower lashes appear longer and fuller, without the need for mascara.


The majority of eyeliners on the market contain oil based ingredients designed to help you apply the product smoothly and easily. This includes pencil eyeliners, gel eyeliners and liquid eyeliners.

Because of this, it is not recommended to use eyeliner while wearing eyelash extensions as the oil contained in eyeliner breaks down the adhesive used to apply lash extensions and causes the lash extensions to shed prematurely.

As an alternative, you can use a small angled brush dipped in water and paint it onto the lash line or upper eyelid for a similar look.


Avoid using any creams, eye makeup removers, lotions, sunscreens or cleansers containing oil or glycerin on or near the eyelashes as oil-based products can break down the adhesive used to apply lash extensions, causing the lash extensions to shed prematurely.

While skin care is important, if you use products that are not compatible with lash extensions, use sparingly above the eyebrows and below the eye socket so they are less likely to move into the lash line as your body heats up or when you sleep.

You may also need to schedule more frequent touch ups than most due to the use of oil-based skincare products.


One end of each lash extension has a thicker base and the other end is tapered thin to mimic the look and feel of the natural eyelashes. If you cut them, it creates a blunt end that has an unnatural and unpleasant appearance. That’s why you should never cut your lash extensions.

At the time of your appointment, we will discuss your desired outcome and explain how to achieve it. And as my top priority is to enhance the look of your lashes while maintaining the overall health of your natural eyelashes, only lash extensions with a safe length and thickness will be selected and applied to your natural lashes.

If however, you change your mind after the appointment and desire a different design, contact Dela Antoinette’s to discuss alternatives.


Lash extensions come in a wide range of curls to suit your eye shape, facial structure and desired outcome. At the time of your appointment, we will discuss those options to ensure you get the outcome you want including the curl of the extension to be used.

Because of this, there is no need to use a lash curler as the appropriate extensions and curls will be applied and they keep their curl between touch ups as long as they aren’t in contact with high temperatures (heat).


The Everyday Set requires a touch up every 3 weeks for 45 minutes. The Posh Volume and Luxe Volume Sets require touch ups every 3-4 weeks and are either an hour and 15 minutes or an hour and 30 minutes.

Touch up appointments require you have at least 50% of your lash extensions remaining to be considered as a touch up. Anything less than that, you have 2 options and those options are:

  1. Schedule a new full set at the soonest available appointment time or

  2. Keep your scheduled touch up and schedule another touch up at the soonest possible opening

It’s important to me that you always receive the highest quality at each appointment. That’s why I always book enough time to ensure your lashes look great and am never in a rush. If you select option two, I will do as much as I can within the time that’s booked without compromising the quality of your application and you will need to book another touch up appointment within the same week (if available) to ensure all healthy lashes are applied to.


While it’s ok to get lashes wet daily when cleaning, exposure to moisture for longer period of time combined with heat can cause the adhesive used to apply your lashes to lose it’s effectiveness and make your lashes extensions shed prematurely.

If you see an esthetician and steaming your face is required, ask to avoid the eye area to protect your eyelash extensions.

If you’re used to taking long, hot showers, keep in mind this can also lead to premature lash loss. Allow the heat and steam to escape the shower you may need to schedule touch ups more frequently.


While it’s ok to get lashes wet daily when cleaning, exposure to moisture and chlorine for long periods of time can cause the adhesive used to apply your lashes to lose its effectiveness and make your lashes extensions shed prematurely.

If you swim professionally or frequently, your lashes will not last as long and you may need more frequent touch ups. This is something you’ll want to discuss with me at the time of your consultation or appointment.


The best sleeping position for lash extensions is on the back. However, if you’re like me, you may sleep on your side or on your stomach.

When sleeping on the side or stomach, there’s a greater chance of the lash extensions being pressed into your pillow or rubbing against your pillow. This rubbing can cause your lash extensions to become detached from your natural eyelash resulting in seeing lashes on your pillow in the morning or on your cheeks.

It’s unrealistic to change the way you sleep for the sake of lash extensions however there are a few things you can do to help prevent your lashes from rubbing against your pillow and creating friction:

  • Use a silk pillowcase. Not only is this great for your hair, it’s also great for your eyelashes because silk has a smoother texture so hair and lashes don’t “catch” onto the material and get pulled out.

  • Wear a mask (ideally made of silk) to cover your lashes and prevent rubbing

  • Use a MyPillow.* The MyPillow can be bunched into a position that keeps it’s shape throughout the night. I’ve used one for years and have found that it supports my neck so I don’t toss and turn as much throughout the night. I’m also able to bunch it up on the side of my face without touching my lashes which helps to keep lash extensions intact.

* (The creator and CEO of MyPillow has been recently affiliated with political groups and has made claims of election fraud which haven’t been proven true. By mentioning MyPillow as an option for side and stomach sleepers, I am in no way endorsing MyPillow, the political affiliation or agreeing with any claims made by the company or it’s representatives. I have used MyPillow personally prior to claims and political affiliations and have found it to be a quality product for side and face sleepers that wear eyelash extensions.)